Monday, May 28, 2018



I. Introduction
            This policy aims to provide guidelines and procedures for the establishment, strengthening, and institutionalization of the GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) in the school. This will guide the school as an institutionalizing mechanism that will ensure gender mainstreaming.
            Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2013 and PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01 and based on the provisions of Section 36-b of Republic Act No. 9710 also known as the Magna Carta of Women, all government agencies are mandated to establish and institutionalize the Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System (GFPS). In view of this, the school issued its own Policy with regard to the GFPS following the guidelines issued by the Department of Education and the Philippine Commission on Women

II. Policy Statement
          Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School is committed to the following:
·         To become a gender responsive school.
·         Strengthen the knowledge and competencies of the school on GAD-related laws and international commitments, gender mainstreaming, gender analysis, and gender-responsive planning and budgeting.
·         The welfare of the students is utmost important regardless of their gender preference.

III. Policy Objectives
·         To establish a Gender Focal Point System in the school.
·         The composition of the GFPS are as follows:

Department Head/Learning Area Coordinator

Two designated Master Teachers (MTs)
Guidance Counselor

Designated Finance Personnel (Accountant, Disbursing Officer or Equivalent
Secretariat and M&E Committee
To be designated by the GAD Focal Point Person

IV. Definition of Terms

Gender refers to the roles and responsibilities of women and men that are created in our families, our societies and our cultures. The concept of gender also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and behaviors of both women and men (femininity and masculinity).

These roles and expectations are learned. They can change over time and they vary within and between cultures. The concept is vital because it facilitates gender analysis revealing how women's subordination is socially constructed. As such, the subordination can be changed or ended. It is not biologically predetermined nor is it fixed forever.
Source: ABC of Women Worker’s Rights and Gender Equality, ILO, Geneva, 2000
Gender And Development (GAD)
Refers to the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and contends that women are active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development
Source: PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01
Gender Analysis
Is the collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated information. Men and women both perform different roles. This leads to women and men having different experience, knowledge, talents and needs. Gender analysis explores these differences so
policies, programmes and projects can identify and meet the different needs of men and women. Gender analysis also facilitates the strategic use of distinct knowledge and skills possessed by women and men.
Source: UNESCO’s Gender Mainstreaming Implementation Framework
GAD Focal Point System
Is an interacting and interdependent group of people in all government instrumentalities tasked to catalyze and accelerate gender mainstreaming. It is a mechanism established to ensure and advocate for, guide, coordinate, and monitor the development, implementation, review and updating of their GAD plans and GAD-related programs, activities and projects (PAPs);
Source: PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01
Gender Mainstreaming
Refers to the strategy for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in all social, political, civil, and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally. It is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs in all areas and at all levels;
Source: PCW Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01
Gender-Responsive Objectives
Are program and project objectives that are nondiscriminatory, equally benefit women and men and aim at correcting gender imbalances.
Source: UNESCO’s Gender Mainstreaming Implementation Framework

V. Functions of the GFPS
·         Lead in the gender mainstreaming in policies, plans and programs projects and activities (PPAs) and in the assessment of gender-responsiveness of systems, structures, policies, procedures and programs based on priority thrusts, needs and concerns of the school for its stakeholders, particularly students, teachers and employees;
·         Analyze programs and projects using the Harmonized GAD Guidelines for Programs and Projects to determine their gender sensitivity;
·         Recommend formulation/revision of policies in advancing women’s status and child protection;
·         Lead in the review and updating of sex-disaggregated data for GAD database to serve as basis in performance-based gender responsive planning;
·         Implement advocacy activities, including the development of information, education and communication materials to ensure consciousness-building and generating support for GAD;
·         Identify gender issues arising from gender analysis and audit to serve as basis for determining PPAs in the GAD Plan;
·         Prepare GAD plans and budgets;
·         Ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the GAD Plan and PPAs and the judicious utilization of the GAD Budget.
·         Recommend awards and recognition and other incentives to outstanding institutional GAD programs, activities and projects for GAD Focal Point members and other personnel/teachers;
·         Build and strengthen partnership with all GAD Focal Point Persons in the DepEd, PCW, NEDA, DBM, GAD-non-government organizations (NGOs) and other partners; and
·         Coordinate all GAD efforts of the school.
Source: DepEd Order No. 27, s. 2013

VI. Other Responsibility
          The GFPS chairperson or head shall approve GAD Plans and budget of the office and shall submit to the CO-GAD Focal Point Person and shall also spearhead the implementation of the plan. He/She shall also designate a Secretariat and M&E Team for GAD. The Secretariat shall provide administrative support to the GFPS, document GAD activities and minutes of meeting, assist in the preparation of GAD Plan and accomplishment reports and in the conduct of GAD activities, programs and projects. The M&E Team shall lead the gender audit and evaluation of all GAD PPAs.

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